There is no doubt that the internet is the biggest source of information regardless about which thing you are searching upon. And same is the thing when it comes to hiring services and buying products. No matter what type of business you are running, consumers will visit your website first, will check the details and then will make their decision. So, having an attractive business website that would explain your [...]
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What is a Native App? A native app is a smartphone application developed specifically for a mobile operating system (think Java for Android development and Objective-C or Swift for iOS). Since the app gets developed within a mature ecosystem following the technical and user experience guidelines of the OS, it not only has the advantage of faster performance but also “feels right.” Feeling right means that the in-app interaction has [...]
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Website design is a very relevant technology in today’s world, almost all businesses of the modern world big and small have a strong online presence. In fact even personal websites are becoming more and more common these days. Designing a website, engaging people with a clever user interface and capturing a companies brand and ethos through a properly designed website is a specialised job and only an experienced web design [...]
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Your customers are the key to the success of your business, everyone knows this. But when it comes to a website, the customer experience, navigation and journey is often over-looked. Think about your own personal online browsing experiences, when was the last time you persisted for a long time to find something on a website that was confusing or wasn’t [...]
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